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Blog: Should you worry about your child's teeth grinding?

Teeth Grinding, which is known as bruxism in medical terms is a condition associated with adults as well as children.


Usually children who grind their teeth do so during nights. Most of the time they are not aware about their teeth grinding actions.


Teeth grinding can not only cause headaches and jaw pain, but it can wear down teeth, which may cause kids to complain about tooth pain or sensitivity to hot and cold.


We aren't always 100% sure why children grind their teeth. Potential causes can be:


  • Oral discomfort caused by teeth shift or realign, allergies or other minor illnesses.
  • When baby teeth erupt or permanent teeth emerge.
  • Because of anxiety, stress, fear, improper tooth alignment or deficiencies in the diet.


If you suspect your child grinds his or her teeth:


  • Try to identify and decrease your child's stress. Allow your child to talk openly about his or her feelings.
  • Promote calming pre-bedtime activities to promote relaxation.
  • Be sure your child is getting a proper diet.
  • Dehydration may be linked to bruxism, therefore be sure your child is drinking enough water.


While most children stop grinding their teeth over time, but if it continues, you should always make us aware of the issue. We can help you identify any potential causes. Never hesitate to reach out to us at Toebridge Dental with any questions or concerns you might have.